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Your personalised help for prostate cancer

Get the app and regain control

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What is OWise?

OWise prostate cancer is a mobile app and web app that has been developed to give personalised support to those with prostate cancer. OWise is your own personal cancer support app to help you regain control of your life from the first day of diagnosis. The prostate cancer app has been developed following the success of OWise breast cancer, which has been used by thousands of breast cancer patients. Let OWise support you with safe and reliable information while collating valuable insights about your day-to-day wellbeing that can assist your medical team in making informed decisions about on-going treatment. 

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Regain control

Personalised insights

A cancer diagnosis can be extremely stressful and emotional. Let OWise deliver personalised information about your diagnosis and treatment to empower and inform you throughout. Helping you have better discussions with your doctor.

Everything in
one place

It is easy to feel overwhelmed with information following your diagnosis.  OWise keeps all of your information such as appointments, prescriptions and doctor’s notes in one place so that you can easily and simply access them at any time for reference. 

Better communication

OWise helps you track and review precisely how you have been feeling. Sharing this with your care team can help them to better understand your side effects and symptoms to deliver the best care possible.

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Medically validated &
scientifically sound

Searching online for information can be confusing and often misleading causing further stress. Created by medical scientists, OWise has been proven to successfully support cancer patients*, accredited by NHS Digital and listed in the NHS Apps Library. It is the trusted source of expert advice and credible, impartial, evidence-based information. 

*clinical studies have demonstrated that OWise can help you with the communication with your care team.

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OWise support

How it works

OWise how it works

Easy and accessible

Simply answer a few questions about your diagnosis to immediately access personalised medical information. Feel more at ease, keep everything in one place, track your wellbeing, access tailor-made questions, and much more. OWise is your reliable, personalised and valuable cancer support app.

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We have listened to you!

Following the success of OWise breast cancer, which has been used by thousands of breast cancer patients, OWise prostate cancer has been co-designed with patients and developed to give personalised support to those with prostate cancer. Thanks to valuable feedback and new ideas from our testers, we have now launched a new version of OWise prostate cancer. Download it now and please let us know what you think of it. We look forward to your feedback!



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OWise support

What our users say

This new app is a valuable addition for men with prostate cancer who want to record useful information about their cancer over time.

What our users say

It was great to have an initial report on my diagnosis with such detailed information that was not available to me at the time I was initially diagnosed. Were I just starting on my path I would definitely use OWise to guide me.

What our users say

I believe the OWise prostate cancer app will provide a very useful resource for patients from diagnosis, through treatment options and into recovery. It provides an easy to use experience and enables so much helpful information to be easily accessible in one place.

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