Category: Scientific publications

Evaluating mobile applications for Breast Cancer in Germany: A systematic review
A systematic review that evaluated if breast cancer apps can support patients, whereby the OWise app received the highest score.

Patients’ and Health Care Providers’ Opinions on a Supportive Health App During Breast Cancer Treatment: A Qualitative Evaluation
Young-Afat et al., 2016; JMIR Cancer. Independent study analysed OWise app. Read more to know what the study found!

Evidence of the use of Mobile Apps During Treatment of Breast Cancer: systematic review
Cruz et al., 2019; JMIR. Systematic review concluded that mobile apps for women with breast cancer might be an acceptable information source that can improve patient well-being.

Publicly available apps for cancer survivors: a scoping review
Adam et al., 2019; BMJ Open. Review of 151 cancer apps for individuals living with and beyond cancer.